Retirement Countdown

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Smokey the Bear

Well we're in South Carolina now. We arrived last night and were welcomed by Army Drill Sergeants! Looks like I'm now going to go through Army boot camp! Shouldn't be that bad, although we are having a barracks inspection in a couple of hours, complete with hospital corners! The game starts.......again. I think that I'll be able to gauge how the next couple of weeks will go by how this barracks inspection is handled by them, oh please let it be good. Today was spent eating breakfast and lunch and that's about it. I've met some really good people here so far, so it looks like I shouldn't be stuck with a Mr. Depression like I was on the last one, that is always a downer. Well that's about it for now, Shayna I love and miss you much, everyone else take care! I've also posted some more pics under the photo gallery link.

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