Hello there! It was a great weekend, nice to blow off some built up steam. As I mentioned in the last post, this weekend was
going to be about paintball and golf, I did both. My wife, Shayna, is the best wife on the planet to allow me to do that, she probably enjoys the quiet for the couple of hours that I'm gone!
haha. In the above picture you can see everyone looking at me and laughing, I made a smart a#$% comment and they laughed. Imagine me making a comment like that!
haha. Golf went really well today, I shot a 102. I would have broke the 100 stroke mark, but I ended up shooting a 10 on a par 5, it destroyed my chances of hitting the goal. Oh well, there are many more days of golf ahead of me, I'll eventually do it!
I want to thank Ms.
Mcgovern for including me in her dissertation for her Master's Degree in London. She called me about a month ago and scheduled a phone interview with me about my blog. Specifically the parts when I was writing while deployed in Afghanistan. It was a great paper on how the news differs between "big media" and the information being passed on by "
bloggers". Very interesting and well written, I wish her luck.
I've been looking at my hit list of what countries have been reading my entries and noticed that there have been some hits from
Puerto Rico. I was stationed at Roosevelt Roads from 1992-1994. Just interested to hear from someone down there to see who you are and what it is like down there now that the base is closed. Drop me a line sometime at
ltjgdave2003@yahoo.com. Well I think that's about it for this week. Take care.